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The Tale of Constantinople
(of its Origin and Capture in the Year 1453)


Translated and annotated by Walter Hanak and Marios Philippides

There are few surviving accounts of the final siege and subsequent conquest of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453. This work, by an individual known as Nestor-Iskander, is a unique testament to the event that brought an end to the millennial empire of East Rome.
This bilingual edition is the work's first translation into English, presenting the original Slavic text and the translation on facing pages. It is based on the Troitse-Sergievskaia Lavra Ms. No. 773. There are extensive annotations by the editors.

192 pages, SBN 586-X, paperback, $30
Late Byzantine & Ottoman Studies, 5

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Studies in Byzantine Institutions, Society and Culture

Collected Articles by Speros Vryonis, Jr.

1. Institutions and Society
2. Provinces, Foreigners and the Twilight of the Empire

A compilation of studies that span 30 years of research. Volume 1 includes articles on imperial institutions, among which an essay published for the first time, titled "Comments on the Byzantine Imperial Institution:the Continuity of Absolutism in Legal Literature." Other essays include:"Byzantine Imperial Authority: Theory and Practice in the EleventhCentury," and "The Vita Basilii of Constantine Porphyrogenitus and the Absorption of Armenians in Byzantine Society."
Volume 2 is concerned with the provinces, foreigners, and the final years of the empire, and includes studies on Anatolia, Asia, the Balkan peninsula, Syro-Palestine, and Byzantine Cyprus. Also dealt with in this volume, in a section titled "Foreigners Within and Without," are the effects of Islam, the Slavic invasions of Greece and contacts with Armenians.
In the final section, "The Byzantine Twilight" is examined ina series of essays dealing with freedom of expression in late Byzantium, intellectuals and humanism and the impact of Greek culture on the Muslim and Slavic worlds.

Volume 1. 288 pages, SBN 528-2, clothbound, $60
Volume 2. Approx. 384 pages, SBN 530-4, clothbound, $70
2-Volume Set SBN 542-8 $125
Hellenism: Ancient,
Mediaeval, Modern, 14-15

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Studies in the Social and Religious History of the Mediaeval Greek World

Christian Hellenism: Essays and Studies in Continuity and Change

Demetrios J. Constantelos

Thirteen studies and essays published over a period of two decades. Unified in theme, they address the problem of continuity and discontinuity in Greek history and illustrate that a synthesis and reconciliation were achieved between Greco-Roman culture and Christianity. This is the third volume in the above series.

Approx. 292 pages, SBN 523-1, clothbound, $60; SBN 588-6, paperback $30
Hellenism: Ancient, Mediaeval, Modern, 13

Previous volumes in this series

(I) Byzantine Philanthropy and Social Welfare

Second Edition, Revised and Expanded

"...(T)he first serious and comprehensive treatment of Byzantine philanthropy and social welfare, based firmly on a study of the outstanding sources...(it) will undoubtedly become the definitive study on the subject."
-American Historical Review

xviii + 282 pages, 45 illustrations, SBN 402-2, clothbound, $60

(II) Poverty, Society and Philanthropy in the Late Mediaeval Greek World

"Constantelos has combed the vast fund of late Byzantine primary sources to demonstrate the important role philanthropy continued to play in the.. . difficult years following the Fourth Crusade (1204)."

190 pages, 26 illustrations, SBN 401-4, clothbound, $60
3-Volume Set, SBN 511-8, $135
Hellenism: Ancient, Mediaeval, Modern, 8

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Collected Studies on the Interaction Between the Greek World and the Turks

Collected Articles by Speros Vryonis, Jr.

1. The Initial Encounter of Greeks and Turks and the Ottoman Conquest
2. The Greeks and Balkan Peoples under Ottoman Rule: The Tourkokratia

This collection of articles deals with the encounter of the Greek and Balkan peoples with the Turks, from the 10th to the 17th centuries. Included, among others, are "The Greek and Arab sources for the Battle of Mantzikert,""Nomadization and Islamization in Asia Minor," "Evidence on Human Sacrifice Among the Turks," "The Sources of Manpower in Byzantine and Turkish Societies," "The Ottoman Conquest of Thessalonike in 1430," "The Nature of the Ottoman Conquest of Constantinople," "Conditions and Cultural Significance of the Ottoman Conquest of the Balkans," "The Experience of Christians under Seljuk and Ottoman Domination," "Religious Changes and Patterns in the Balkans, 14th to 16th Centuries," and "The Byzantine Legacy in the Formal Culture of the Balkan Peoples," "Local Institutions in the Greek Islands and Elements of Byzantine Continuity During Ottoman Rule," and "The History of the Greek Patriarchate of Jerusalem as Reflected in Codex Patriarchicus No. 428, 1517-1805."

Volume 1 Approx. 256 pages, SBN 534-7, clothbound, $50
Volume 2 Approx. 416 pages, SBN 535-5, clothbound, $75
2-Volume Set SBN 541-X $120
Hellenism: Ancient, Medi
aeval, Modern, 20-21

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Byzantine Studies: Essays on the Slavic World and the Eleventh Century

Edited by Speros Vryonis, Jr.

Among the contributions to this volume are: Henrik Birnbaum, "The Slavic Settlements in the Balkans and the Eastern Alps;" Speros Vryonis, Jr."The Slavic Pottery: Jars from Olympia, Greece;" Barisa Krekic, "Mediaeval Serbia: The Nemanyids and Byzantium;" Michael F. Hendy,"The Economy: A Brief Survey;" Alexander Kazhdan, "Russian Pre-Revolutionary Studies on Eleventh Century Byzantium;" Jakov Ljubarskij,"The Fall of an Intellectual;" and Gerhard Podskalsky, "Religion and Religious Life."

xi + 188 pages quarto, 50 halftones & drawings, SBN 517-7, clothbound $60
Hellenism: Ancient, Mediaeval, Modern, 9

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Constantine XI Dragas Palaeologus
A Biography of the Last Greek Emperor

Marios Philippides

This is the first full biography of the last emperor of Byzantium, who died defending Constantinople against the Ottoman Turks. Dr. Philippides has researched sources in many languages to reconstruct his life and his policies and to provide a detailed description of his reign in the years preceding the fall.
He establishes that, having ascended the throne of Byzantium, Constantine XI made a concerted effort to restore Greek power in the region through an active diplomacy that sought to ally Constantinople with Serbian and other Christian leaders in order to stem the oncoming Ottoman tide.
In the process of researching and reconstructing Constantine's life, the author has produced an important work of scholarship and created a compelling portrait of Constantine and his circumstances.

Approx. 700 pages illustrated, SBN 522-3, clothbound, $85
Hellenism: Ancient, Mediaeval, Modern, 17

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Byzantium, Europe and the Early Ottoman Sultans 1373-1513
An Anonymous Greek Chronicle of the Seventeenth Century (Codex Barberinus Graecus 111)

Translated and annotated by Marios Philippides

The first English translation of a vivid source revealing a wealth of information and detail about the history of southern Europe in the early Renaissance.

viii + 229 pages, SBN 430-8, clothbound, $50 Special Offer, $30
Late Byzantine & Ottoman Studies, 4

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The Greeks and the Sea

Edited by Speros Vryonis, Jr.

A compendium of essays presented at the first Alexander Onassis Center Biennial Conference on Hellenism, held in honor of Robert Browning, the first recipient of the Gold Medal for excellence in Hellenic studies. It is the first concise study of the relationship between the sea and the Greeks from antiquity through modern times.
Section I deals with the maritime phenomenon from archaic Greece to Gręco-Roman trade in the Indian Ocean. Section II covers Byzantine traders and their effect on Byzantium, and Section III includes essays on the Greek Diaspora in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (1815-1861), and the post-war emergence of the Greeks as the foremost merchant mariners in the world. This volume provides a fascinating examination of an aspect of Greek culture that is as profound as it is far-reaching.

224 pages with 33 illustrations, SBN 521-5, clothbound $65
Hellenism: Ancient, Mediaeval, Modern, 18

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Byzantine Mosaic Decoration
Aspects of Monumental Art in Byzantium

Otto Demus

A new reprint of a standard introduction to Byzantine art.
"Not only will this work dispel a number of contemporary illusions about Byzantine art, but is likely long to remain an essential introduction for anyone wishing seriously to gain some understanding of the Byzantine achievement."
- The Times Literary Supplement

162 pages with 64 illustrations, SBN 018-3, clothbound, $40 Special Offer, $20

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Byzantium's Last Imperial Offensive in Asia Minor
The Documentary Evidence for and Hagiographical Lore about John III Ducas Vatatzes' Crusade against the Turks, 1222 or 1225 to 1231

John S. Langdon

The Emperor John III Ducas Vatatzes (1222-54) consolidated his imperium in Asia Minor by 1224. He appeared poised to launch a massive assault upon Latin-occupied Constantinople and to restore the pre-1204 Byzantine Empire.Yet John III suddenly abandoned this compelling strategy. Dr. Langdon compiles evidence suggesting that John III was absorbed in waging a crusade against the Turks along the Eastern frontier. Using Byzantine, Metabyzantine, Latin and Arabic sources the author is able to postulate the date for this conflict,and also that John III led the crusade personally.

xvi + 156 pages with 8 illustrations, SBN 497-9, clothbound, $45
Hellenism: Ancient, Mediaeval, Modern, 7

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Byzantine Heroic Poetry

David Ricks

This book presents representative examples of Byzantine heroic poetry from the Escorial version of Digenes Akrites and the Armoures, in a bilingual edition. The quality of the poems varies, but they are proof that Eastern Christendom was not without the chansons de geste that we find in the West. Indeed, at their best, in their swift narration, their vigor, the humanityof their characters and their inability to grow old, these Byzantine poems rank with the great works of the West.

192 pages, SBN 498-7, clothbound, $45

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Vizantiiskii Vremennik
(Byzantina Chronika-Byzantine Annals)

The 100th Anniversary Edition
(Volume 55, Part 2).

Gennadii G. Litavrin, Editor in Chief

Founded in 1894 by the distinguished Russian scholar V. G. Vasilievskii under the auspices of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and with the support of the czar and much of the Russian academic establishment, VV is the second oldest journal in the field. It is published under the auspices of the Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences, with the support of the Speros B. Vryonis Center for the Study of Hellenism. Published in Russian and the other official languages of the International Byzantine Association, it includes articles by S. A. Ivanov, D. Jacoby, G. P. Majeska, C. Maltezou, N. Oikonomides, and W. Seibt, among others.

Approx. 400 pages, 25 illustrations, ISSN 0132-3776, paperback, $60

(Volume 56)

Gennadii G. Litavrin, Editor in Chief

Volume 56 of Vizantiiskii Vremennik includes, among others, studies by: Al. Kazhdan, K. V. Khvostova, A. A. Chekalova, O. R. Borodin, H. Damico, and S. P. Karpov.

378 pages, ISSN 0132-3776, paperback, $60

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The 17th International Byzantine Congress

Major Papers

Compiled by the U. S. National Committee for Byzantine Studies

750 pages, 102 illustrations, SBN 443-X, clothbound, $75

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Studies in Honor of Speros Vryonis, Jr.

I. Hellenic Antiquity and Byzantium
II. Byzantinoslavica, Armeniaca, Islamica, the Balkans and Modern Greece

Jelisaveta S. Allen, Christos P. Ioannides, John S. Langdon and Stephen W. Reinert, Editors

A magisterial collection in two volumes includes 53 studies by notable scholars whose work encompasses the many areas in which Dr. Vryonis has concentrated his researches.
Among the contributors to Volume I are: Milton V. Anastos, Glen Bowersock, Robert Browning, Alexander Kazhdan, Ja. Ljubarskij, John Meyendorff, and Stylianos V. Spyridakis.
Volume II contains essays by, among others, Richard Hovannisian, Halil Inalcik, Vassos Karageorghis, Barisa Krekic, Gennadii G. Litavrin, Irfan Shahid, G.M. Sifakis, Traian Stoianovich, Andreas Tietze and P. J. Vatikiotis.
Jelisaveta Allen has compiled a bibliography of the works of Speros Vryonis, Jr.; Ioannis K. Hassiotis has written an appreciation of this distinguished polymath.

Volume I. 474 pages, SBN 512-6, clothbound, $75
Volume II. 479 pages, SBN 513-4, clothbound, $75
2-Volume Set, SBN 504-5, clothbound, $140

Published under the auspices of the Speros Basil Vryonis Center for the Study of Hellenism, Sacramento, California


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In the Footsteps of the Saints

Otto F. A. Meinardus

A series of inexpensive guides for those interested in retracing the journeys of early Christian figures, as they travel in the eastern Mediterranean or in their armchair. The geographical context of the lands is described and is supplemented by historical accounts, references to the Sciptures and to archaeological finds, and by observations of the contemporary cultural milieu.

Each title is approximately 160 pages and is illustrated by black and white photographs. The series includes four works :

St. Paul in Ephesus and the Cities of Galatia and Cyprus
SBN 044-2, paperback, $9
SBN 071-X, clothbound, $20

St. Paul in Greece
SBN 045-, paperback, $9
SBN 072-8, clothbound, $20

St. Paul's Last Journey
SBN 046-9, paperback, $9
SBN 073-5, clothbound, $20

St. John of Patmos and the Seven Churches of the Apocalypse
SBN 043-4, paperback, $9
SBN 070-1, clothbound, $20


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