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"Founded on Freedom and Virtue"

Documents Illustrating the Impact in the United States of the Greek War of Independence, 1821-1829
Constantine G. Hatzidimitriou, editor
Pages/Illustr. lxiv+384 p. (illustrated)
Status: Just Published

ISBN: 0-89241-572-X

The response in the United States to the efforts of the Greeks to gain their independence was spontaneous. As information on the democratic motivations of the Christian Greeks and the brutality of the Turkish response reached the United States, prominent men such as Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Daniel Webster and many others, were moved to speak and to act in support of Greek independence. "Founded on Freedom and Virtue" is a collection of official and unofficial contemporary documents tracing the American response. The book is divided into the following sections on: 1. "Aspects of American Philhellenism," which concentrates on the activities of Edward ("Grecian") Everett seeking to inform public opinion and to arouse interest in the plight of the Greeks. 2. "The Greek Uprising as Reported in the Press" includes representative articles reporting events that influenced American public opinion such as the fall of Messolongi and the massacre at Chios .3. "The Grass Roots Response," includes the texts of proclamations of support issued by state legislatures and a range of organizations: fraternal, professional and student groups as well as letters from individuals to the press, editorials and other evidence of popular expression.4. "The 'Greek Question' as an Issue in U.S. Foreign Policy" documents the debate between the Executive and Congress on whether to support the Greeks. The speeches often eloquently juxtaposed the conflicts still encountered by democracies, i.e. the clash between geopolitical and commercial considerations versus ideals, principles and values. 5."Tangible Support" documents the actions of some Americans who were moved by the Greek cause to join the freedom fighters. Extracts from their letters and memoirs are included in this section. It is less known that perhaps the first, albeit unofficial, U.S. foreign aid project is probably that which was collected and delivered to Greece.

Our Price: $50.00

Quantity: "Founded on Freedom and Virtue"

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